Saturday, 11 June 2011

In the morning I'll be with you, but it will be a different kind..

Final few days in Paris and the bucket list has been in full swing. From finally munching on a slimy snail (promise I didn't just hold my nose and quickly swallow) to finally climbing into a cosy corner in Shakespeare & Company surrounded by magnificent, and most importantly English, literature, taking in every inch of the charming interior as it melts my heart whilst someone sends a lazy jazz beat my way from the dusty, old piano.
Spending some time seeing the city I've spent the last 6 months considering everyday life as though it is the first time I've laid eyes on each and every detail has made me realise just how bloody lucky I have been as well as think about the little things I am going to miss. Such as escaping to St Michel when it's been one of those days, sauntering along the Seine and stopping at Pont des Arts, which even in the monstrous yet beautiful thunderstorm that erupted during my last visit, never ever fails to make me smile. Or even during a mundane task like hailing a taxi at ridiculous o'clock in the morning when I find myself accidentally stumbling onto the Champs-Élysées, naturally taking the opportunity to climb a prestigious monument, take a few snaps and admire the view of La Tour Eiffel as the sun slowly rises behind it.

However, it is also with irony that throughout these final, fun-packed weeks of my time abroad that I am now beginning to realise the reason some people never travel. Yes, the experience is literally life changing but saying goodbye freakin' hurts. And even though this now means I get to keep a little piece of my heart in some great places around the world, sitting here on my parents' sofa as I type without these pieces stings. Post Erasmus Depression (a certified condition don't you know) has most definitely sunk in as I waste my days watching Homes Under The Hammer and working Damien Rice and Adele from the keys of my beloved piano. But fear not, eight days time and the fun begins once again, two final nights in Paris then back across the Channel and for a new adventure in a new city and of course, a new blog.
See you in two weeks Glasgow, but be warned, I will probably try and greet you with a kiss..

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